One Week Old

We are just beginning to get into a rhythm now.  Everett nurses about every two and a half hours during the day and every three hours at night.  This allows us some time between feedings to sleep, eat and take care of ourselves.  Today we went to Parade the Circle, which was his first parade and outing.  It was a beautiful day for it.

We have been told repeatedly that you cannot spoil a newborn.  Good thing, because during the first week of his life, Everett was doted on by two parents and two grandparents.  Chris stayed home from work, and Melissa’s parents stayed with us from Monday evening until midday on Friday.  During that time there was rarely a moment that we was not being held, fed or generally loved on. We have never had so little sleep in our lives, but no matter how little sleep we get he seems impossibly cute and entertaining.  The time when he was not in our lives is already becoming a dim memory, and the world now seems a different place because he is in it.

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